Friday, April 10, 2020

Miss England Hangs Up Her Crown To Return To Work As Doctor

A beauty queen crowned Miss England precisely in August 2019 just returned to the United Kingdom from overseas charity work to continue her... 
career as a doctor due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Miss England 2019, Bhasha Mukherjee took a career break as a junior doctor after competing in the Miss World pageant in December 2019 after she won as Miss England in August 2019. 
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, she returned back home in the UK and started getting messages from former colleagues at her old hospital, the Pilgrim Hospital in Boston, eastern England, explaining to her the situation on ground and how difficult it has been for them.

Mukherjee recently contacted the hospital's management team to let them know that she would love to return to work.
According to her, she depicted that it is quite wrong to be wearing her Miss England crown, even for humanitarian work, while people around the world are dying from the deadly disease, coronavirus and her colleagues have been working so hard.
"There's no better time for me to be Miss England and helping England at a time of need," she proclaimed.

Mukherjee has been self-isolating for one to two weeks until she will be able to return to work as a doctor at the Pilgrim Hospital. She specializes in respiratory medicine but though presently doctors are currently being rotated to wherever they are needed due to the issue on ground.
What a queen!
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