Thursday, April 18, 2019

Lipstick Colors Every Lady Should Own!

Every lady virtually loves lipstick and therefore rarely do not apply lipstick in a day. This is the more reason a lipstick can't just be picked at random because there is more to choosing a lipstick shade...
More time has to be invested into figuring out the right shades of lipsticks. For those ladies out there who cherish to look good, this is a very paramount one.
Now, explore all the lipstick shades that a lady must have in her makeup kit.

Nude lipstick

This is a very fabulous shade that can be worn during sunny days or evening outing or occasion. Pair this shade of lipstick with a bold and dark eyes and capture any man's breath and therefore, this becomes a must have for a fashionable lady.

There is a major problem concerning this shade and the problem gets more serious if you are the type who looks pale. Nude lipstick implies applying a neutral color that matches the natural tone of your lips. Therefore, if you are the type that looks pale, then you might have problem wearing this lipstick shade. This might not really go well with dark skinned ladies especially wearing it with heavy eye look. So ladies, trend carefully and be sure the shade suits you before wearing it.

Pink lipstick

This is an universal feminine color that is loved by all and sundry. This shade can be rocked by all skin tone from dark to light complexion so skin tones matter less in this lipstick shade. This shade can make a hit for any type of complexion. This is definately befitting to light skinned ladies and any other skin tone possible. If rocking this shade, observe the tan of your skin, the lighter your skin tone, the lighter shade of pink you should go for. This is a must have for all females and the newbies in the world of fashion. This shade makes you look and feel younger regardless of your age.

Brown lipstick

This lipstick shade is really a big trend as it never goes out of fashion, but should be paired with the appropriate clothes because not all piece of clothing suits brown lipsticks. Do not pair dark cocktail dresses with brown lipstick, this will result in an odd giving you an unattractive look. If you are wearing a brown dress, then opt for the lighter shade of the dress for your lipstick shade and you will always look fabulous with this. If you are the type who has red or copper highlights in your hair, then go for the bronze brown shade to get the 'all eyes on me look'.

Red lipstick

Red lipstick is a versatile shade that can never go out of fashion. This shade provides a modern chic and retro look depending on your outfit and hairstyle. To get a maroon shade, puff a bit of powder on the red lipstick and you will have a matte look.

 Peach lipstick

This is the shade of lipstick that provide you that fun and chic look. This shade adds glamor to your entire look making you feel good. If you wish to go simple yet attractive, just opt for any peach shade of lipstick.

These are the shades of lipsticks every fashionable lady out there should own to explore the fashion world.

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