Thursday, July 18, 2019

PREGNANCY FASHION: How To Slay As A Pregnant Woman

It is essentially good for a woman to look stylish and chic during pregnancy  even though it seems a difficult time...
As many women still struggle with accepting the body changes during pregnancy, yet you will have to keep it chic  and beautiful. If there is any outfit that makes you feel chic and beautiful, ensure you rock it.
The great tip of keeping it stylish during pregnancy is to rock wears that proffer comfort and yet chic. Comfort should be the first tip to consider as a pregnant woman when playing with fashion. Do not compromise on your comfort  just because you want to slay. Most importantly, you need to be comfortable with your outfits and rock footwears that give walking power. You do not necessarily need to wear heels so as to avoid the risk of falling thereby leading to miscarriage.
During your first trimester, you can still wear your normal every day outfits because the baby bump is not yet growing big. Nevertheless, with time the baby bump grows bigger and you will have to get new outfits that will accommodate that. 
You do not need to stay away from bold patterns when you are pregnant. Bold prints makes you look slimmer, the larger the print, the more slimming you will look. 
The following are the lists of outfits to explore in order to look fashionable and chic while pregnant. 

  • Take advantage of your new look. Ensure to embrace your new status and with that, never again will more people keep looking at you as someone who needs help. Accept the present situation and be jovial in it. Never you make people feel you are helpless. Yet you can say yes to offers to carry your packages. Do not feel guilty for being pregnant because it is something of pride.
  • Go shopping for your baby. Shopping for your baby and getting the nursery prepared might be fun but do not be overwhelmed with that. This has to do with cost, be prudent in your spending and make sure you get all essentials needed. All what the baby needs are basic clothing, diapers, food and shelter. 
  • Look your best. Invest in beautiful maternity outfits that will give you adorable outlooks. Rock flattering colors and styles and also visit the spa often to treat those irregularities on your skin. Take pictures and be happy. 
  • Be a queen in your own way. Treat yourself like a queen by doing things without guilt. Take adequate sleep, visit beauty parlours for manicure and pedicure. In the morning, stand up and get dressed so you can feel on top of the world. Get yourself a body pillow in the last trimester and ease yourself of house chores. 
  • Stay motivated. Staying motivated is very essential during pregnancy so as to remain healthy in the state. Spice up a moderate exercise program, take your medications and engage in other things that make you feel better for both you and your baby for safe delivery. Pregnancy should be a state of happiness and when more life will be given to what you know how to do best. 

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